Bras porte-outils universel pour tondeuses et micro-tracteurs Transporteur Electrique Modulable


BUPO FRANCE at Salonvert the 21 and 22 september 2022 (tuesday 20 september réservé aux revendeurs) in Château de Baville in Saint Chéron (91)


Communiquez sur votre participation ! - Salonvert


Bupo France will be present in Salonvert at the Castle of Baville in Saint Chéron  (91) to introduce the tool-carrying arm Pro version, and any functional changes of the tool-carrying arm classic and the TEM (modular electric transporter).

If you want an appointment on the stand, thank you to send a message or call us at:
06 11 85 37 32.


We leave a message here


BUPO FRANCE au salon ATLANTICA du 11 au 13 octobre 2022 au Parc des Expositions de NIORT (79)

Salon Atlantica - Les 11, 12 et 13 octobre 2022 à Niort


Bupo France will be present in Atlantica at the NIORT exhibition center (79) to introduce the tool-carrying arm Pro version, and any functional changes of the tool-carrying arm classic and the TEM (modular electric transporter).

If you want an appointment on the stand, thank you to send a message or call us at:
06 11 85 37 32.


We leave a message here


BUPO FRANCE au salon SETT du 8 au 10 novembre 2022 au Parc des Expositions à MONTPELLIER (34)

Salon SETT ? - 2, 3 & 4 Novembre 2021 - Montpellier


Bupo France will be present in SETT at the MONTPELLIER exhibition center (34) to introduce the tool-carrying arm Pro version, and any functional changes of the tool-carrying arm classic and the TEM (modular electric transporter).

If you want an appointment on the stand, thank you to send a message or call us at:
06 11 85 37 32.


We leave a message here









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